You are probably asking, what is it? Perhaps, a branch of the government! No, please read on. RCIA is the shorten name for a process of how an adult becomes a Catholic or completes their Sacraments. If you are interested in becoming Catholic, this is the way. Who is this for? Any person over 18, from another faith, unbaptized, or baptized Catholic but never pursued receiving First Communion and/or Confirmation and desires to know more about the Catholic Church. If this is you, please accept our invitation and contact the Faith Formation Office any weekday, Monday through Thursday, at 631-737-8915. Please call at any time of the year and we will do our best to offer our assistance and guidance. Adult Confirmation Class. For those over 18, who were baptized Catholic and received Communion, but not Confirmation, we have a special group each year for them. Beginning usually in late February or early March, weekly classes are held to prepare adults to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday (50 days after Easter) right here in the parish. If this is something that you would more information about, please call the Faith Formation Office at 631-737-8915.